Educational Scenarios

In this section you can find a set of Playing with Protons Goes Digital educational scenarios, including templates with the use of basic AR/VR applications and all the tools you will need to implement them.

Day and Night

Through this scenario students will understand the phenomenon of the day and night alteration and how it is affected by the rotation of the Earth.

Earth-4 seasons

In this scenario students will understand the phenomenon of the season’s alteration and how this is affected by the equator and the Earth’s movement around the Sun.

Investigating our Solar System

Through this activity students will learn about the main characteristics of the planets of our Solar System and will make comparisons about distances and planet size.

The Moon phases

Through this inquiry-based activity students will understand the Moon phases and how this phenomenon is affected by the position of the Earth and the Sun.

Let’s become “Atomic Architects”

Through this Inquiry-based activity students will understand the basic structure of an atom. They will be introduced to the basic elements of matter ‘protons, neutrons and electrons which form an atom. Moreover, they will represent the atomic structure of hydrogen through an AR/VR activity.

Discovering the Nucleus

At this STEAM-AR project students get introduced to Rutherford’s investigation about the structure of the atom.

The History of Universe

The students get introduced to the constituent of the Universe (planets, star, binary star) to explore how big it is and how is expanding.

Three different Scenarios are used to describe different element of the Universe

  • Earth, Mars and Venus are compared


  • Earth and Moon


  • Binary Star and Sun are described


Particle go

This activity consists in “building” a particle accelerator by collecting its main components: an RF-cavity to accelerate the particles, a bending magnet to deviate their trajectory, and two quadrupole magnets for focusing.

All together! The world of ants at Città della Scienza Museum

The scenario provides a model of interaction between schools and informal scientific learning contexts by incorporating digital technologies into daily school activities.
The pathway provides opportunities for schools and museums to work together through small-scale experimental projects that apply agile and user-friendly digital technologies to a selected area of activity, exploring the social communities of ants.

Women Inventors

This activity introduces children to different women inventors in fields such as science, technology, or health through an augmented reality experience.

Build the Baryons

This activity consists in combining three quarks to build baryons, whose characteristics (charge and strangeness) can be inferred from their shape.